Jim is still doing great for someone in his condition. Doctor's report: She added an anti-depressant to the food supplement and several of his other medications. Now that they have stopped the TPN and added the tube feeding they can give him his medication. His sugar levels have been a little high the past couple of days because of the new food supplements. She has added lantin to the mixture. That should bring down the level. Wounds are so ever slowly healing. He's alert and communicative. Still can't seem to get the vent off but we keep trying. He seems more alert at night. The nurses say he has turned his days upside down. He stayed awake at noon for Las Vegas and then this afternoon for Mash. Other than that he slept the rest of the time. Just now the nurses said he was awake and watching TV. So I guess he is turned around. He did say to me today, "take me home." It may come to thing if they stop the dialysis. The doctor and I talked a little about this today and it is a possibility.
Mom, Jackie and I went to bingo last night. I won 3 bingo's, Mom one and Jackie one plus she won the door prize. A good night for all.
This digital layout is part of my online digtal graphic class. It has taken me most of the past week to finish. I feel like I am really learning a lot. Hope it helps me get a job.
I went to the grocery store tonight. I think it was the first time since maybe February. I guess that is Mom and Jackie's fault for taking care of me. I passed several the things I bought on to Jackie to stock up for more cooking. Go Jackie.
Jackie and I took Misty for a run/walk tonight. I walked, Jackie rode her bicycle and Misty ran. In fact Jackie held on to the leash part of the time and she did not even have to pedal because Misty was pulling her on. We laughed so hard. Night all.
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