Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thank You For The Love
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Arrangements to Celebrate Jim's Life

December 1, 1940 – April 29, 2008
James F. Chiszar, 67, Sarasota, formerly of Naperville, Illinois, died April 29, 2008, from complications following open heart surgery. He fought a long and courageous battle with humor and patience.
A celebration of his life with be held May 9th at the First Congregational Church in Elmhurst, Illinois, at one o’clock. His family asks you join them afterward at the Brauer House, Hillside, to toast Jim’s life.
He is survived by his loving wife of nine years, Patricia; children, Thomas Chiszar, Sedona, Arizona, Robert Chiszar, daughter-in-law, Teresa, and three grandchildren, who were the joy of his life, Jackson, Joshua and Lucas, all of Bolingbrook, Illinois, and daughter Kathryn Chiszar, Naperville, Illinois; brother Robert Chiszar, Mokena, Illinois, and his sisters, Caroline Runnion and Nancy Chiszar, both of South Bend, Indiana. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife Sally Haley Chiszar.
James was a loving husband, father and avid bridge player. He retired to Sarasota in March of 2007, and all he wanted to do was play duplicate bridge. He was a member of the American Contract Bridge Association and had attained the rank of Silver Life Master. He was also a member of the South Bend Polish Falcon Nest.
Jim was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana. He graduated from Ball State University and worked as a teacher for three years before signing with Brown Paper Company. One of his biggest customers, Quality Chek’d, hired him to be their director of purchasing and he stayed in that position for 17 years. He began a second career in 1994 as a Tournament Bridge Director, a job he truly loved.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society 2701 Maitland Center Pkwy - Suite100, Maitland, FL 32751 or online at Website: Or the American Contract Bridge Association Education Foundation, 2990 Airways Blvd., Memphis, TN 38116.
Jim Is Now With God

His struggle is over and he is now with God. Go in peace my love and know that I will always love you.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Challenge is Low Blood Pressure
Today is not so good but we knew there were challenges ahead. Tonight the hospital called and I went in. His blood pressure is dangeriously low. His heart rate and oxygen levels are normal and he has no temp. The blood pressure is just low. He may becoming septic again. We are not sure. I'll let you know as I know. It was 72 over 45 when I left. When I got there it was 45 over 23.
I'm saying my prayers.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Off the Vent Some Today
Thank you Jackie for babysitting Misty tonight while I went to Scrapbook Therapy. You are the best.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Ugly Betty is Back
No changes today. Everything is pretty much the same. We had a good day.
Got good news today that Jim's nephew does not need to have a heart transplant. Karen that is such wonderful news. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Jimmy is way to young to be facing these challenges. Hope this new medication works for him. Love to all.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesday Update

Monday, April 21, 2008
Even Doctor Surprised Today

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Jim in hospital 11 months

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Jim is doing fine
I've been really busy and have not been home much. Plus I spend a lot of time at the hospital especially now while he is alert.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Dialysis Cut Down

Monday, April 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Teresa
"Truly An Amazing Man"

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Little Change
Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday Morning

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Jim enjoying Masters
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Not Much Change
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
We're on a Roller Coaster

Today started out pretty funny. Misty had her sights set on a Gecko. She chased it down but did not hurt it. The Gecko just stared her down until I dragged her back inside. It was hysterical to watch.
This is a photo of Jim todaywhile he was watching TV. You will notice his hair is very short. We had it cut so he would be more comforable. The words Dr. H used were "rallying" and "unbelievable." No one can understand what is happening with Jim right now. He is completely stable and all of his vital signs are normal. For me this is an emotional roller coaster. Two weeks ago they told me Jim would probably not make it through the night. Then they said the weekend. Then they said the week. Now they are saying he is stable and they are not sure what is going to happen. Jim is amazing and has this will to live that is surpassing everything that is wrong with him. Tomorrow we will know what the situations is with his kidneys and that will tell us something.
I do not know what tomorrow will bring but for today my Jim is there and fighting with all of his might. He was awake practically the entire day and communicating with everyone that came to see him. Everyone at the hospital is stopping in to see him because they want to see for themselves how he is doing. All of these people know the crisis he has been in and are dumbfounded.
As for me I am just enjoying every day I have with him. I am scared to death for us to hit that wall again and what that will mean for us.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Go Kansas

Rock, Choc, Jayhawk, Go K U. Tonight is the finals and let's hope Kansas comes out on Top.
Today Jim was amazing. He was just like his old self. Everyone was in total amazement.He has not been this good since before Christmas. He was awake. Interested in what was going on and he was back to pushing my hand away when I was fussing over him. No temp and his vitals were good. Another amazing thing from 6 to 6 he peed 2200 cc's. I love these days because he is so there and my Jim.
We are watching this carefully because they are doing a 24 hour urine test again. They started this test yesterday morning but the CNA pitched the urine last night so they had to start over today. I sometimes wonder what these people are thinking when there are signs everywhere and the urine bag is sitting in ice.
Off to the watch the game. Go Jayhawks. (I spent two semesters at Kansas University.)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
We watched the cubs win today

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Recharged Batteries

Friday, April 4, 2008
We Had Another Day Together

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Not much new
Tonight his friend Gitta had to say good bye because she is leaving for Naples in the morning. I know he will miss her because a tear dropped out of each of his eyes. It was so sad I just had to walk away and so did his nurse.
Thanks Jackie for the hot dogs and hamburgers tonight. Love you.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Jim is such a strong man
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Up and Down Day
Today was kinda of up and down for Jim. This morning he was doing fine. All his vital signs were within normal range and he was alert and responsive. Kidney doctor pleased with him and decided dialysis would take off 2 and a half liters of fluid.
During dialysis my sister took Gitta and I down to Sharkey's for lunch. The resturant is right on the beach and you have this glorious view while lunching. Food was OK, typical beach food but it was fun.
When we got back to the hospital they were just finishing dialysis. This had worn him out but he was OK. At the end of our visit he was running a temperature of 100.8 so they gave him some Tylenol. He was pretty tired and slept through most of our visit. I was a little concerned about what was going on around the hospital. I still don't have a copy of the bill even though I asked for it 10 days ago. Second they only had one CNA for 33 patients which means he is not getting the attention he should. And this next thing pissed me off. They told me that I could no longer bring Misty to the hospital because it was their new policy. But guess what. One of the nurses today brought in her dog because she was in labor. Now I have a lot of sympathy for the dog but come on the patients love their dogs to and they can no longer visit. This does not seem fair to me. Ok that was my little bitch for the day.
We then went off to the usual bingo night. Mom is the only one that got to yell Bingo tonight. We had our normal pizza and soda's. We introduced Gitta to bingo and proved the theory of the new by winning wrong.
We made a quick visit back to the hospital and Jim's blood pressure was very low. It was 80 over 55 with a stolic of 63. I'm a little worried about this but Mary said she would watch him carefully. He was more alert and responsive to me and his fever had gone down.