I wonder today what my grandchildren are thinking. What have they been told about why I am not there for them. I know I mean a lot to them. Today I received back the postcards I sent to my grandchildren from Vegas. Along with it was a letter signed from the Chiszar Family saying I am not to write again. My letters will not be returned and they will be trashed. The letters were addressed to Glasnap. Typically of someone that is in denial.
The letter also included a criticism of my going to Vegas. I guess they did not know that I was a guest of my dear friend Corrinne. I guess when you don't ask questions you don't really know what is going on.
There are many forms of child abuse. One of them is emotional and this is a classic case. Yes my friends I will not give up. I will continue to write the letters and postcards. If one out of 50 gets into the hands of my grandchildren then they will know that I have not abandoned them.
My grandkids are going to grow up thinking everyone they love leaves, just because of a parents selfishness. I believe that grandchildren are often used as the pawns in a concerted effort to wield power and control over grandparents by emotionally immature parents. In most cases, children are being denied the right to visit a grandparent not out of love or concern for the child, but out of vindictiveness by a parent. Grandparents are an important and integral part of the social and emotional fabric of a child's. I worry that my grandchildren will show signs of emotional effects of this child abuse and the parents will never know why because they have chosen to ignore their children's feelings.
Before I was hurt now I am just mad. I remember Jack calling me this summer and he was crying hysterically that he wanted to see me. He said Grandma I love you please come see me. How can a parent do this to their child.
I will probably get blasted for the content of this email but because of all of my friends support it I will be able to endure the rage. I remember the battle call, don't give up on your grandchildren.