Monday, September 29, 2008

Such a Tragedy

I wonder today what my grandchildren are thinking. What have they been told about why I am not there for them. I know I mean a lot to them. Today I received back the postcards I sent to my grandchildren from Vegas. Along with it was a letter signed from the Chiszar Family saying I am not to write again. My letters will not be returned and they will be trashed. The letters were addressed to Glasnap. Typically of someone that is in denial.
The letter also included a criticism of my going to Vegas. I guess they did not know that I was a guest of my dear friend Corrinne. I guess when you don't ask questions you don't really know what is going on.
There are many forms of child abuse. One of them is emotional and this is a classic case. Yes my friends I will not give up. I will continue to write the letters and postcards. If one out of 50 gets into the hands of my grandchildren then they will know that I have not abandoned them.
My grandkids are going to grow up thinking everyone they love leaves, just because of a parents selfishness. I believe that grandchildren are often used as the pawns in a concerted effort to wield power and control over grandparents by emotionally immature parents. In most cases, children are being denied the right to visit a grandparent not out of love or concern for the child, but out of vindictiveness by a parent. Grandparents are an important and integral part of the social and emotional fabric of a child's. I worry that my grandchildren will show signs of emotional effects of this child abuse and the parents will never know why because they have chosen to ignore their children's feelings.
Before I was hurt now I am just mad. I remember Jack calling me this summer and he was crying hysterically that he wanted to see me. He said Grandma I love you please come see me. How can a parent do this to their child.
I will probably get blasted for the content of this email but because of all of my friends support it I will be able to endure the rage. I remember the battle call, don't give up on your grandchildren.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Little Cool Tonight

Misty and I just got back from our nightly run and it was actually a little cool outside. Can you believe it, fall has arrived. Not cool enough to turn the air conditioner off but it is getting there.
These two layouts are from scrap and dash this week. The first one is from last week but I was catching up. I completed two more but I'll post them in the next couple of days.
Mom called me tonight but I was outside and didn't get the phone. She had an eagle in her back yard and wanted me to take photos. Darn, because I would have loved that. She said it was 10 feet from her on the ground.
This weekend is Scrap Pink for Breast Cancer. Which means on Sunday I'll have lots to show you. Sounds like a fun weekend and what fun it will be to just hang out and work on my scrapbooks. See you on Sunday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wow, Have An Interview

Busy day today. I applied for over 10 jobs and guess what. I have an interview on Friday. I guess that new resume is working. Yeah. It is for the manager of a day spa. Not sure how good I would be at that but hey I'll try anything. I applied today and they have already responded.

Played bingo tonight and won $80. Wow for me. I won the last two bingo's of the night. Poor Jackie was one number away about 6 times and the caller would just not call her number.
Turned a little cooler today and tonight was really nice. I could actually think about fall. It doesn't look like fall but the temperature is down and it is going to be 69 in the morning. Fantastic. I think I'll get up early and enjoy the cool temp.
There was a Elvis sighting in Las Vegas. He was just walking down the strip.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Back in the Swing of Things

Today I spent most of the day working on a new resume. I had been doing research on several web sites that give advice on how to build the best resume. So today I took all of the advice from my research and developed a new resume. I then went online and applied for at least 20 jobs. I hope that someone reads my resume because I need a job. On the news over the weekend the news was not good. Sarasota's job market is in the toilet. About the only one hiring is retail and that does not work for me. I can not stand all day because of my sciatica nerve in my back. So retail is out. Today I did Craig's list so tomorrow it is off to Monster.

I finished this layout over the weekend. It is class #3 in my Type+writer class online. I am behind because I was away last week but will catch up this next week.

So what's new in my life. My palm tree in the front yard is creating a mess with the little orange nuts falling. I must have raked up a 1000 of them. Unpacking and getting the laundry done. Catching up on my paperwork. Before I left I sent my grandchildren a little miss you card and it was returned to me today in a plain brown envelope addressed to Glasnap. The same thing happened when I sent Lucas the paperwork for a savings bond for his birthday. Guess someone doesn't know that my Legal name is Patricia Ann Chiszar or Mrs. James Chiszar, or Patty Chiszar. All of these will work. For this I will forever legally and emotionally be. So I guess Grandma is persona non gratis.

Misty spent sometime with Grandma today while I worked on my resume. She loves her play dates.

Thank you so much Jackie for taking care of Misty for me last week. You are a godsend. What would I do without you. Love you.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm Back

My week away was gone before it started. As everyone knows there are no clocks in Las Vegas. There aren't even any by the pool. I got in about 3:00 this morning so I slept most of today. Had a grand time with my friend Corrinne and with Vegas. I'm not any richer but it certainly was fun. Vegas has changed so much in the two and a half years since I have been there. When Corrinne called and said let's go I jumped on it. She was comped for the room and food so it was a good.
This was a big hit for me on the two cent machine. All of $12.00 but fun.
More latter.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Erin Ralston On Idol Contest

My friend Gitta emailed me this link of her daughter's recent win on Lombard Idol Contest. Click on the link if you want to hear Erin Ralston sing Crazy. It's pretty good. Congrats ERin.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

This Week's Scrap and Dash Plus

Ended a quiet day tonight with some time in the hot tub. About 8:30 my sister and I met up at the hot tub and enjoyed some relaxing time. It was great to catch up on the week and it was a beautiful night.
Had to go to the doctor today for my B12 shot. I'm now on twice a month plus taking the folic acid. Hope this works. I also had to go because I have an ear infection. This is not good because I am flying on Monday and you know how that air pressure can get to your ears. The doctor gave me a big shot of antibiotics plus pills and said I would be good to go on Monday. Thank goodness because I hate ear pain.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Project 2 of my Type+ Class

In this class the motto is, "“We write to taste life twice. Once in the moment, and once in retrospection.”

Isn't that a great quote. We learned how to do type in a circle and to make a quote a piece of art work.

Been fun so far. Thank you Jessica for sharing all of your knowledge.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From the Beach

I just got back from the beach and it was wonderful. The waves were huge for this area. Most times the water is just smooth. Today there were big waves and the surfers were all out. What fun this was.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hurricane Ike Passing us By

It looks like it is going to be a stormy night and a stormy Wednesday. Ike is out in the gulf but we are really feeling the effects. This afternoon we got about 2 inches of rain in about 2 hours.
It looks like water aerobics tomorrow could be a little chilly with the 40 mph wind gusts. I'll be there unless the rain is to heavy.
This is a digital layout from my Type+ class I am taking online. Learned some new techniques that I love.
They cancelled Bingo tonight because of the storms. I did not find out until after I ordered the pizza but we got together at my house and ate the pizza.
I also went and got a haircut and color today. Boy was I in need. I had not done that since Jim's funeral. Talk about gray roots. Have a great week and try to stay dry.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Grandparents Day Yesterday

I would love to think that if I were allowed to see or talk to my grandchildren on Grandparents Day this is what they would say. This s a poem from a little boy named Vinnie.

My grandma is special to me.

She always lets me be me.

She teaches me to cook good food.

She thinks I'm a really cool dude.

She lets me snack on foods I enjoy.

She even buys me my favorite toy.

She picks me up when I'm feeling down.

I think she should wear a crown.

My Grandma Patty is the best!

She is head and shoulders above the rest.

I know this is how they feel and no matter what anyone says or does. I know in my heart that this is how they feel because I remember the little voices that yell, "Grandma you are here!"

Jack, Josh and Luke, Grandma loves you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Notre Dame at 3:30

Today marks the first home game for Notre Dame football. Game time is 3:30. Say a prayer today. Jim has the best seat in the house. Our square numbers for today are Notre Dame _2 and San Jose State _3.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Quiet Week

It has been a pretty quiet week. We started out with a holiday Monday and that pretty much screwed up the schedule. I was a day behind on everything.
I did one thing I have been putting off because it was so hard to do, but Jim's shirts are all gone now. I gave them to Goodwill. I cried all the way to the Goodwill store. It had to be done and now maybe someone can use them. I think I'm going to put his suits and tux on consignment. He would like that. I miss him so.
I did scrap and dash this week and the owl and bird layouts are from that. The Halloween layout is my September challenge page for K2. I found this adorable photo of Lucas and knew it would be perfect.
Jack got back from Augusta and I'll share those photos this weekend. Haven't seen much of her of Mom this week. We are all busy. Got my blood tests back and it seems that now my folic acid is low. This comes from the vitamins of vegetables. I eat tons of veggies. Doctor said that did not matter and that I needed extra because the folic acid is the glue that holds on to the B12. So I hope this works. I now need to have the B12 shot twice a month.
We are all watching Ike very closely. He has not made up his mind yet as to where he's going to go. I hope he stays on the other coast. When we are on the west side we only get a little rain but if we are on the east side we get torrential rains that last several days.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm doing scraptherapy tomorrow, probably a movie and who knows what else.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Really Funny

My sister-in-law Nancy sent me this cartoon. What a hoot. Thought I'd share since I laughed out loud when I saw it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

And Here They Come

Looking at the weather forecast is daunting. Here they come. Three in a row. With any luck they will stay out in the Atlantic and go north. This is the bad part of living in Florida. You just have to realize that in September things get bad. You have to watch and listen and wait for what is going to happen. You have no control but can only hope for the best. The good news is that we are getting a lot of rain and that is helping our drought situation.
All is well here. Have a good week everyone.